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Conversation this morning with my 17 month old

3 Dec

DS: go down
Ummi: careful (as he maneuver his way down the bed, climbing over me)
DS: open the door
Ummi: where do you want to go?
DS: shop
Ummi: what do you need to buy at the shop?
DS: egg
Ummi: what are you going to do with the egg?
DS: cook
Ummi: who are you planning on cooking for?
DS: (his name)

After looking at some word and picture cards, he wanted more of a particular type of cards and insisted he see it. I said no as I was about to leave for work, he insisted.

He likes to say push ummi just for fun at times and he did that.
ummi: sayang ummi
DS: push ummi, carry you.
Ummi: ummi go to work, you push ummi

DS kept silent as ummi walked away. Sat on the swing and looked down at his lap. I checked on him a few times. He didn’t try to free himself from the buckles of the swing. He looked so sad it made me sad.

Ummi came before leaving from work and asked for a kiss, he said push ummi and kissed ummi. I carried him around before leaving for work.

I wonder if he knew I wanted to leave for work and instead of telling me not to go, he using reverse psychology on me? If I tell ummi to stay, she would go. Of I told ummi to go, she would stay.

I miss him! Together, we miss ayah 😦

Go ‘chop’ buy ‘baloon’

21 Oct

My darling boy has been trying to communicate with us in baby English of late and it’s awfully cute!

This morning he took out his tricycle band then wanted to park it back under the table, “ummi, park”

I love this! We wanted to go to the market to buy fish so usually I’d go, ” to market, to market to buy some fish” on the way down I asked him where we were going and he said, “chop” to buy what? ” balloon” I said no we are going to the market to buy…”ish”.

Adorable or what? How ayah bathe you? “Shoap” I.e. soap.

And due to his love for pens, he has mastered its name perfectly.

He has a car pillow case so when he wakes up, he will turn around and say cars cars. This morning, a pillow, he calls ‘pullow’ fell and he said “drop”

It warms my heart, Alhamdulilah, that he loves his books. He will ask and point towards where we keep his library books and say ‘books’ with the emphasis on the k.

I was taken by surprise when I asked him one day who my second brother was, expecting ‘cle’ for uncle. He said ‘achat’. This morning I left him in the room to throw his diaper away and came back to find him missing only to appear from the kitchen area near the toilet and what was he doing there, “achat” he said.

There are more like marble, ball, atok, Emma, mama, anne, baby, aunty (anty), nyayi, box, paper, water (ter), shark (chak), turtle( tartle), flower( fower), butterfly(papa), bus, plane, helicopter (copter), cheese, egg, milk, more, some etc.

After some time, I had time yesterday to show his some cards and it was so fun because he was so attentive and even asked for more. I just wished I had more time…InsyAllah.

When fathers dress the little ones and are you walking somewhere baby?

26 May


*notice the bears are behind and not in front where it’s supposed to be.

My little sunshine is taking his first few steps as he slowly stabilizes himself. Alhamdulilah.
@ 11 months 10 days

You’ve been in my life for 9 months and I can’t remember life without you

14 Mar

Dearest son,

I suddenly can’t remember all your accomplishments in the past month. It’s like I lost count. You’re growing so fast I can’t keep up. I’m trying. I’m trying to give you the best from the food you eat to the things you play.

We’ve been really busy bringing you around to many places including a ranch where we saw horses and insyAllah a longer trip awaits us.

I saw your first tooth.

We recorded your crawling and before we knew it you were standing on your own. You love to crawl so you do that a lot around the house. Your Emma gives you the freedom to crawl as you please a to the kitchen, utility room, entrance I the house and even the toilet.

You’re so fun to play with! We really enjoy just being with you my dearest sunshine.

We also had your uncle’s wedding at your nyayi and atok’s house. Lots of people.

You have been very friendly with strangers. Waving your palm, smiling and mingling your baby way. You light up people’s days.

Just today, ummi bought you a little drum. You held onto it and actually cried very loudly when your ayah took it away from you. It surprised us because you used to go on to other toys when your toy is taken away usually by Mukhlis.

I noticed that you’ve recently started to show some preferences as well when it comes to people around you.

Till next time darling baby!

Yours truly,
Your ummi whose love for you has no end

Weekends are crazy!

24 Feb

Babycare Festival. Fashion expo. In-laws place. Swimming. Kids Amaze. Friends meet up. Tuition.

ALL IN 1 weekend! And it’s not just one weekend…most weekends are filled and will be busier with weddings in the coming month.

Adilah, if you have a kid, you’ll never be bored during your holidays ever again!

There is more to do for DS swimming, he enjoys it a lot but I have to start some little lessons here and there amidst unstructured play. I just heard that unstructured play is important. It’s amazing to watch how the adults want to teach the babies to play, like they don’t know how.

Oh well the weekdays are here and I’ve got the weekdays to catch up before the next weekend comes along. It’s the other way around when you’re a working parent.

Are you really drinking from a straw?

17 Feb

Your Emma demonstrated your new learnt trick when we returned home from work one day.

Ummi took out a training cup one day to check it out and see what you can try next. The straw is for 9 month to a year but the other options seemed similar so I went ahead with it.

When we tried it on weekends, it was like you didn’t know what to do with the straw and it kept poking your tongue so I brushed the idea of feeding you water this way.

Your Emma on the other hand tried several times and met with success. Alhamdulilah you’re enjoying drinking water on your own from your very own sippy straw cup!

I turned around to find you standing in your cot

16 Feb

Alhamdulilah, you’ve managed to stand on your own!

I was busy clearing some toys to make space for new toys. I suddenly turned around to find you standing on your cot while holding the railing.

Just like that!

@ 8 months and 2 days

To the goat farm we went

15 Feb

We went to the goat farm- Hay dairies at Lim Chu Kang.

It was so far away but worth it! Fun fun fun. Smelly too.

We learnt how the goats are milked and what happens to their milk. We bought some to try too! AVA has approved it to its clean and freshly pasteurized.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t touch or feed the goats.

We saw some kids in the enclosure.

We leant loads of stuff which we didn’t know before.
Did you know that goat’s milk is alkaline whereas cow’s milk is acidic?

Did you know goats produce so much less milk than a cow?

Did you know the mutton you eat is from Sherpa and not goats in Singapore?

Did you know a female goat is called a doe and a male goat is called a buck?

Did you know the doe is usually carrying 2 kids in a pregnancy?

Here are some photos from our excursion:

Insatiable 8 months of you

14 Feb

Dearest son,

The apple of my eye, I love you with every ounce of my heart and every part of my being, more and more each day.

My sweetie pie, how much I miss you doesn’t grow less and less each day but it multiplies each and everyday I’m not with you.

My darling boy, you mean the world to me. Your every smile, your every milestone, your every action makes my heart jump for joy.

It’s like you’re growing so much faster when I m not looking. I push myself to spend my every waking moments of the weekday nights and weekend with you, my precious child.

For as long as I can…I will…give my all to you…

With never ending love,
Your ummi

My attempt at Garlic Fried Rice with Breaded Chicken

20 Jan

While putting DS down for nighttime slumber, I planned the menu for dinner. Most of the time, we just buy out because after a long day, it’s just too exhausting to have to cook but I didn’t want to eat unhealthy outside food just because I’m a little lazy to prepare something.

I scaled down my plans a little because it was getting late when I have settled the baby.

Western food is a little quicker to cook than Indian food. It’s also because I baked maybe. The fried rice was Pilipino style.

Here goes:



